To resolve this issue, please perform the following steps:
1. Uninstall Able2Extract Professional 14.0 by following these steps: go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a program -> then from the list of all programs, select Able2Extract Professional 14.0 and click on the Uninstall button.
While you are still here, please check if you have any other version of Able2Extract on your computer. If you have, please uninstall it as well.
2. Now go to Task Manager and check if Able2ExtractPro.exe is still active. If it is active, please close it by doing the right click on it and selecting End Task option.
In the same way, check if Able2ExtractPro.PrnDisp.exe is active, and if so, please close it in a described way.
3. After you have done this, check in Devices and Printers if Able2Extract Professional 14.0 Printer is removed. If not, right click on the printer and select Remove device option.
In the same way, check if any other Able2Extract Printer is still among the installed printers. If the printer is there, on the list, please remove it in a described way.
4. Then go to: C:/Program Files/ Inc to delete the Able2Extract Professional 14.0 folder and all its contents.
5. Now reboot the system and re-install version 14.0 software from the link provided below:
This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.