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To eliminate this error, please try one of the following two solutions:

I solution:

  1. Open Able2Extract application and go to "View -> Conversion Options...".
  2. In Conversion Options dialog that will appear select the General tab.
  3. On this tab set the "Output Image Resolution" to some significantly lower value than what it is now.
  4. Then open your PDF file and convert it to AutoCAD in a usual way.

II solution:

  1. Open your PDF file in Able2Extract application, select the data and click on the AutoCAD button. 
  2. In Convert to AutoCAD dialog that will appear change the Scale value to 0.5 or 0.1.
  3. Then click on the Convert button and save the output file on a desired location.


This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.

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