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How do you configure named table structures within the Custom Excel conversion panel?


Able2Extract Professional 14.0 – which is our latest version – supports the ability to create Named Table Structures. A Named Table Structure is one that can be shared by different tables in the same or different page ranges.

To name a table structure, right- or left-click on the colored square in the upper right-hand corner of your selected table structure. Select Assign name to table structure.... Then in the dialog that appears, provide a name for your table. Any additional named table structures will populate the Existing Named Table Structures field as you create them. Click on OK

To remove a name for a table structure, right- or left-click on the colored square of the table you wish to remove and select Turn into unnamed table structure

Note: the named table structure does not disappear when you select this option and the functions from this context menu affect only that table. Completely removing the named table structure can be done through the dialog provided via the Manage... button.


* Manage...

For full control over all the named table structures in your PDF, click on Manage... from the side panel. In the Manage Named Table Structures dialog that appears, click on the named table structure you wish to modify or remove. Changes made here will affect all tables in the document that are assigned to that specific Named Table Structure. You can choose to either Rename your tables or Delete them by clicking on the corresponding button below. To apply your changes, click on OK.


Able2Extract can search for tables with the same or similar column positions and automatically create Named Table Structures for them (only among consecutive pages with the same size and orientation).

The feature is on by default but can be turned off by unselecting the Advanced Analysis checkbox in the Settings dialog.

Note: The effect of this setting in an Automatic PDF to Excel or PDF to CSV conversion would produce the same results as a Custom Excel conversion without having had any customizations applied during the process.



* Review Tables...

Use this feature to manage the tables associated with Named Table Structures.

Review Tables... button is inactive if there are no Named Table Structures.


Clicking on the Review Tables... button will display the Review Named Tables dialog, providing you with a user-friendly way to easily identify, navigate and sift through your selected tables:

  • Named Table Structures: Lists all the named table structures you have in the document.
  • Tables: Contains a quick summary of all tables associated with a selected Named Table Structure. Able2Extract identifies the exact location of specific table selections by page range and by the order in which they appear on the page from top to bottom.

You can perform two actions from this dialog. First, you can quickly navigate to your table by selecting the Named Table Structure and then the table itself from the list and clicking on Go To.... Able2Extract will go to the page that contains the selected table.

Second, you can instantly delete selected tables without having to go to the exact page. Simply select the table and click on Delete. Able2Extract will remove that table from the PDF (as mentioned above, the Named Table Structure itself can only be deleted from the Manage... dialog). To apply the changes click on OK.


This article refers to Able2Extract Professional.

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