Save Custom Excel Template As... (File menu).
After the Custom conversion to Excel is selected, and the user has specified the column structure for the document, the user can then opt to save that Custom Template by selecting this option under the File menu.
Here is a more precise instruction on how to create a template:
- Open your PDF file in Able2Extract application.
- Select the data you would like to convert.
- Then click on the Excel button on the toolbar.
- In Convert to Excel dialog that will appear click on the Define under Custom option.
- Modify the table structure offered by the software by using options from Custom Excel panel.
- Once the formatting is done, go to "File --> Save Custom Excel Template As...".
- This will open the Save As dialog, so here give your template file a name and select a location. Then click on the Save button.
- After you have done this, you can proceed with the conversion, by clicking on the Convert button in Custom Excel panel.
This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.