Once a table has been created by the software, you can additionally adjust this table structure by using the tools in the Custom Excel conversion Panel. To add a column, click on the Add Columns icon, and then left click where you would like to add a column within the table. To remove a column, click the Erase Column Line icon and then left click on a column line to erase it.
The drop-down menu below the Add/Erase column icons has to do with the treatment of content (such as text or numbers) when it comes into contact or into close contact with a column line. The two most common treatment items are either "Never Split" or "Always Split". Here is a brief explanation of how to use these options. For example, if you are trying to convert a PDF file to Excel, and the data from one field (column) continue to the next field (column), you may wish to select the "Never Split" option to ensure that all the data from one field will stay in that same field, and will not cross into another cell (regardless of the column line).
On the other hand, if the column line intersects the data in one field and you chose the "Always Split" option from the same drop-down menu, the data will be split into the two neighbouring fields (columns), exactly where the column line intersects.
Similarly, if you choose the "Split Only Between Words" option, the data will again be divided in two neighbouring fields where the column line intersects, but at the same time, the software will keep the integrity of the words.
In some cases, say, where a page is slightly tilted, so a column line does hit some words or numbers, you may want to use one of the other two drop-down options, such as "Split if 2 Spaces Between Words".
As for the button below the drop-down menu, which is entitled Column Types, it lets you determine how Able2Extract will treat the content in specific columns for conversion.
Start by clicking on the Column Types... button. In the Column Types dialog, you will be presented with lists for the available Table, Column, and Type of format that are contained within the Page Range you selected.
Page Range: choose the selected page range from the drop-down list which contains the table structure you wish to work with.
Select the Table structure, then the Column from the list. Lastly, specify the Type of treatment for that content – Default, Text format or Skip column.
This article refers to Able2Extract Professional.