Load Custom Excel Template... (File menu).
To open a previously saved template and apply it to a PDF document with the same layout per page, please follow the steps given below:
- Open your PDF file in Able2Extract application.
- From the File menu select "Load Custom Excel Template…" option. In the Open dialog that will appear you will be able to browse for the previously saved template file. When you find it, select the file and click on the Open button.
- Once the template is loaded, click on the Convert button.
- In Save As dialog that will now appear give the resulting Excel file a name and select a location. Then click on the Save button.
Please note that templates can be saved only after using the Custom option for converting a selection from PDF to Excel. Namely, the Custom option allows you to set up the column structure for a PDF document. This structure can then be saved by using the "Save Custom Excel Template As..." command, under the File menu.
This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.