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What is the difference between the Excel Automatic and Custom conversion options in Able2Extract?

  1. Automatic – The default conversion option into Excel is recommended for most conversions into Excel. Under this conversion option, the software algorithm automatically determines the positioning of the Excel columns. In most cases, this will result in perfect alignment within Excel.

    In cases where the "Automatic" conversion results in column misalignments within Excel, the user may want to choose the "Custom" conversion option. The "Custom" PDF-to-Excel conversion option allows the user to designate the columns prior to conversion to Excel.

  2. Custom – This option allows the user to make a manual designation as to where the columns of data will be created once converted into Excel. This designation is made visually by the user prior to conversion to Excel.

    The "Custom" option may be the most effective option in the following situations:
    • The "Automatic" conversion results in the misalignment of data within Excel.
    • The Document data being converted into Excel goes over multiple file pages. This is great for report data that is standardized across many pages.
    • The headers and footers of the document are causing misalignments within Excel.


This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.

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