You can activate/deactivate the conversion Preview Panel by selecting the checkbox next to Show Preview located towards the bottom of the conversion Panel.
The Preview Panel will be displayed under the PDF viewing area when you check Show Preview. It will allow you to preview the conversion results of your settings and selections as they will appear in the output document.
Any edits and changes can be made with the Preview Panel open. The preview in the panel will be updated in real time.
By selecting the checkbox next to Only Current Page, only the current selected page will appear in the Preview Panel. Making this selection may be useful for larger documents, where a very large preview can result in slow performance.
You can also choose to turn the selection highlight on or off. Check the Show Selection option to turn the highlighted selection on and view the selected content or uncheck the option to turn it off. In either state, the highlighted content remains selected for conversion and will be visible for previewing output results via the Preview Panel.
This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.