Generally, there are two ways to rotate the pages with Able2Exatrct Professional 12.0:
1. Rotating the file for viewing purposes. If you rotate your PDF page(s) by going to "View -> Rotate View", the rotation will not be permanently saved to your PDF file. In other words, the rotation will be performed, but only for viewing purposes. The same will happen if you click on the arrow button on the footer toolbar.
2. Rotating the pages permanently. If you wish to rotate the pages and then save the rotation to your PDF file, please perform the steps given below:
- Open your PDF file in Able2Extract application.
- Click on the Edit button on the toolbar.
- In Editing panel that will appear on the right side of the screen, click on the Rotate button.
- Now the Rotate Pages dialog will appear – here you will be able to select the page/pages you wish to rotate, by entering the desired numbers in the First Page and Last Page fields. After that, from the Angle drop-down menu you will be able to select whether you would like to rotate the page(s) by 90° Clockwise, 90° Counterclockwise or 180°.
- Once you have done this, click on the Rotate button and wait for the application to rotate the page(s).
- When the rotation is done, click on the Save button (which is on the toolbar) to save the performed rotation to your PDF file.
(To save the edited PDF file under the different name, select Save As... option from the File menu.)
This article refers to Able2Extract Professional.