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PCV error, Code: ERR_UNKNOWN


To fix this error, please try the below steps:

  1. Open Able2Extract application and go to "View -> Conversion Options...".
  2. In Conversion Options dialog, on the General Tab, please make sure PowerPoint 2007 is selected as PowerPoint format.
  3. Switch to the Excel/CSV Tab and change the format from Default to Excel 2007.
  4. Switch to the Word Tab and change the format from Default to Word 2007.
  5. Click on the Save as Default button, then click on the OK button.
  6. Now open your PDF file in Able2Extract.
  7. Select the data and convert it into a desired format in a usual way.


This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.

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    Pradip Chalke


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