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My PDF file looks fine, but when I try to convert it, it gives unrecognizable characters in the conversion result


This is usually an indication that your PDF file isn't properly encoded. In other words, it doesn’t have Unicode characters, so that is why you are seeing unrecognizable characters in the output file instead of a proper text.

In cases like this, we rely on OCR engine in order to recognize and convert any alpha-numerical characters into an output file. However, only Professional edition of our application has embedded the OCR engine.

So, if you already have Able2Extract Professional, you just have to manually turn on the OCR engine before you open your PDF file in Able2Extract. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Open Able2Extract Professional application.
  2. On the menu bar click on the Edit and select the "OCR Options…".
  3. From the sub-menu that will appear select "Perform Image-Based Conversion (OCR)" option.
  4. Now open your PDF file in Able2Extract Professional and convert it to a desired format in a usual way.

On the other hand, if you have Standard edition of Able2Extract, you may consider upgrading to the Professional edition, so as to be able to convert text from this type of PDF files. To upgrade, please follow the link provided below: 

If you need a more detailed instruction on how to upgrade, please see article "Can I upgrade my Able2Extract Standard edition to the Professional version".


This article refers to Able2Extract Standard and Able2Extract Professional.

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