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Why are certain portions of the PDF document I’ve opened in Able2Extract showing up as unrecognizable characters?


In rare situations, this will occur due to the fact that Able2Extract may not support certain proprietary font types. However, regardless of the fact that the data cannot be viewed properly in Able2Extract's PDF viewer, it is often recognized by Able2Extract and can be converted into the destination formats. Thus, if you select the data that does not make sense and convert it into Excel, HMTL or Text, the data may convert properly and show up as readable in these formats.

However, if the data is not converted correctly, you may wish to reprint your PDF file before opening it in Able2Extract. To do so, please follow these steps:

  • Open your PDF file in Adobe Reader (or a similar program that can print to PDF).
  • Then go to File -> Print.
  • In the Print dialog that will appear, from the list of installed printers select Able2Extract Printer. (If you have version 8.0 of Able2Extract or older, please note that these versions do not have embedded PDF creation option, so in that case just use a printer that has PDF in its title.)
  • Click on the Print button.
  • Now the Print Dispatcher dialog will appear, so here you will be able to give the reprinted file a name and select a location. Then click on the OK button.
  • Once you have done this, open the reprinted version of your PDF file in Able2Extract.
  • Select the data and convert it into a desired format in a usual way.


This article refers to Able2Extract and Able2Extract Professional.

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